At Anderson Phillips we can provide businesses in the Rochester area with advice and support on a wide range of business issues. Here is some useful guidance on health and safety, including a handy checklist.
Compliance with health and safety legislation isn't normally the first thing on your mind when faced with the stresses of running a business, but failing to give the subject sufficient attention could leave you open to severe penalties, should an accident happen at your workplace.
Here is a checklist detailing some of the steps you can take:
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Visit the Health and Safety Executive website at, and pay particular attention to the section for businesses. |
Carry out a risk assessment on your business. This will help you protect yourself from claims. |
Record in writing all safety actions which are taken. |
Create a 'safety manual' and then ask all staff to read it. Give them appropriate training and keep written records. |
Ensure your safety policy is complied with by both staff and others (e.g. visitors and subcontractors) on the company's premises or using its equipment. |
Don't forget your office, it must be safe too. The particular risk areas are electrical items, fire safety and hazardous substances. |
Put a paragraph in your contract of employment requiring compliance with the firm's safety policy. If employees refuse to comply, you may have to discipline them. |
Keep up to date. Check out the HSE website periodically for major changes |
You may also need a substance abuse policy in your contract of employment, particularly if you are in an industry involving transport or the use of dangerous machinery. |
If you are in the Rochester area and are looking for support from an experienced firm of accountants and business advisers, please contact Anderson Phillips.